A Heartbroken American

It’s official. I am completely heartbroken with the state of my country and the world. Things are deteriorating quickly now. We are now experiencing the down hill motion of a giant snow ball effect and people are finally noticing from the debris that’s starting to hit them in the face. There is no denying it now. As the masses wake up to our true state more and more people will become heart broken too. Is this what our future looks like? More likely then not our future will be much more grim than it is now. The snow ball has gained momentum and it won’t be stopping until there’s an opposite opposing force that is strong enough to overtake it.

How did things get here? Where is here exactly? Here is a glimpse…
The economy is breaking down due to the Private Bankers also known as the Federal Reserve. There are a group of Elite who control the markets and the global economies and as we reap the consequences of what they’ve sown their power and influence grows and we are steadily moving toward a one world bank and global currency. These Elite are guilty of many crimes against the American people. But they are protected by that power and influence they have gained through money. Every sector of our economy is tanking and we have no way of knowing when the bottom will really fall out. In the meantime the Fed thieves by themselves some time as they prob it up. We don’t know when they will pull the switch and really let things fall through but we can be assured that how ever and whenever its done it was planned and it will benefit them in the process. They make money no matter which way the make believe market goes. We have out sourced jobs to the point that we barely have any. The warmongering is reaching greater and greater proportions. The military industrial complex is a money making, looting machine. More and more men and women are joining the military because of the lack of jobs. More and more Americans are becoming dependent on the government and so everyone is looking for handouts. Honestly, I could go on and on and fill pages about what all of our problems are in this country and it still probably wouldn’t even scratch the surface.

But, what I feel I’d rather talk about at the moment are not the problems and the particular triggers associated with each one, no, I’d like to talk about the big root cause that brought on all the problems and consequences. This big problem that’s staring us all in the face is Morals. That’s always where it starts. With the moral break down of any society comes chaos and confusion. It starts with the break down of morals and standards in individual families and then moves through communities and across states and lands and countries.

Why we don’t hear about Iceland anymore…

by Deena Stryker

An Italian radio program’s story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world.

We may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt. The reasons were mentioned only in passing, and since then, this little-known member of the European Union fell back into oblivion.

As one European country after another fails or risks failing, imperiling the Euro, with repercussions for the entire world, the last thing the powers that be want is for Iceland to become an example. Here’s why:
Five years of a pure neo-liberal regime had made Iceland, (population 320 thousand, no army), one of the richest countries in the world.

In 2003 all the country’s banks were privatised, and in an effort to attract foreign investors, they offered on-line banking whose minimal costs allowed them to offer relatively high rates of return.

The accounts, called IceSave, attracted many UK and Dutch small investors. But as investments grew, so did the banks’ foreign debt. In 2003 Iceland’s debt was equal to 200 times its GNP, but in 2007, it was 900 percent. The 2008 world financial crisis was the coup de grace. The three main Icelandic banks, Landbanki, Kapthing and Glitnir, went belly up and were nationalised, while the Kroner lost 85% of its value with respect to the Euro. At the end of the year Iceland declared bankruptcy.

Contrary to what could be expected, the crisis resulted in Icelanders recovering their sovereign rights, through a process of direct participatory democracy that eventually led to a new Constitution. But only after much pain.

Geir Haarde, the Prime Minister of a Social Democratic coalition government, negotiated a two million one hundred thousand dollar loan, to which the Nordic countries added another two and a half million. But the foreign financial community pressured Iceland to impose drastic measures. The FMI and the European Union wanted to take over its debt, claiming this was the only way for the country to pay back Holland and Great Britain, who had promised to reimburse their citizens.

Protests and riots continued, eventually forcing the government to resign. Elections were brought forward to April 2009, resulting in a left-wing coalition which condemned the neoliberal economic system, but immediately gave in to its demands that Iceland pay off a total of three and a half million Euros. This required each Icelandic citizen to pay 100 Euros a month (or about $130) for fifteen years, at 5.5% interest, to pay off a debt incurred by private parties vis a vis other private parties. It was the straw that broke the reindeer’s back.

What happened next was extraordinary. The belief that citizens had to pay for the mistakes of a financial monopoly, that an entire nation must be taxed to pay off private debts was shattered, transforming the relationship between citizens and their political institutions and eventually driving Iceland’s leaders to the side of their constituents.

The Head of State, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, refused to ratify the law that would have made Iceland’s citizens responsible for its bankers’ debts, and accepted calls for a referendum.

Of course the international community only increased the pressure on Iceland. Great Britain and Holland threatened dire reprisals that would isolate the country. As Icelanders went to vote, foreign bankers threatened to block any aid from the IMF. The British government threatened to freeze Icelander savings and checking accounts. As Grimsson said: “We were told that if we refused the international community’s conditions, we would become the Cuba of the North. But if we had accepted, we would have become the Haiti of the North.” (How many times have I written that when Cubans see the dire state of their neighbor, Haiti, they count themselves lucky.)

In the March 2010 referendum, 93% voted against repayment of the debt. The IMF immediately froze its loan. But the revolution (though not televised in the United States), would not be intimidated. With the support of a furious citizenry, the government launched civil and penal investigations into those responsible for the financial crisis. Interpol put out an international arrest warrant for the ex-president of Kaupthing, Sigurdur Einarsson, as the other bankers implicated in the crash fled the country.

But Icelanders didn’t stop there: they decided to draft a new constitution that would free the country from the exaggerated power of international finance and virtual money. (The one in use had been written when Iceland gained its independence from Denmark, in 1918, the only difference with the Danish constitution being that the word ‘president’ replaced the word ‘king’

To write the new constitution, the people of Iceland elected twenty-five citizens from among 522 adults not belonging to any political party but recommended by at least thirty citizens. This document was not the work of a handful of politicians, but was written on the internet. The constituent’s meetings are streamed on-line, and citizens can send their comments and suggestions, witnessing the document as it takes shape. The constitution that eventually emerges from this participatory democratic process will be submitted to parliament for approval after the next elections.
Some readers will remember that Iceland’s ninth century agrarian collapse was featured in Jared Diamond’s book by the same name. Today, that country is recovering from its financial collapse in ways just the opposite of those generally considered unavoidable, as confirmed yesterday by the new head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde to Fareed Zakaria. The people of Greece have been told that the privatization of their public sector is the only solution. And those of Italy, Spain and Portugal are facing the same threat.
They should look to Iceland. Refusing to bow to foreign interests, that small country stated loud and clear that the people are sovereign.

That’s why it is not in the news anymore.
Wake Some People Up!

original source : http://www.newsnetscotland.com/index.ph … ution.html


What Happened to Love thy Neighbor?

Im writing at this time because I am astounded at the level of uncaring that I see around me on a regular basis. And this is with myself included at times. Where have we progressed as a society today? What have things come to when the only time we pay attention to our neighbors is when they are doing something that bother’s us? Why do people only make the time to make a complaint? Is this how we all want to live? Does it bring happiness? I will give a few examples of this to illustrate my point. You may think this topic is not one of import but nothing could be further from the truth. Example # 1: My Father passed away about 7 months ago in February. After he passed we had the arduous task of going through my father’s things and distributing and getting rid of things and also trying to find the funds to pay for burial costs and things of the like. We decided it would be a good idea to have a yard sale both to get rid of things we did not want and to possibly make some money back to cover the cost of burial fees and other things that we needed to pay. We prepared to have the sale and my sister and I made a yard sale sign to draw people in so they would even know there was a sale going on. We placed a few signs out by the roads and we made a large banner and placed it on the back of my dads pickup truck that was in front of the house.  Not long after having the signs up there my sister in law and her mom was approached by some neighbor coming to complain about our yard sale signs and tell us it was against neighborhood or hoa policy to have any signs on the truck. We thought it was ridiculous but none the less we took the sign down after getting yet another complaint and decided we would just stand in the front yard and HOLD the sign. That sign was CLEARLY a “public disturbance. ” Not long after my sister in law and her mom were holding the sign while I went inside to help with the sale, they were approached by a woman who told them they could not HOLD the sign. And that she was coming to ask us to take it down because she had received quite a few complaints from neighbors.  Also, keep in mind the sale hadnt even been going on for that long. Maybe an hour. And it was early in the morning. My sister in law defiantly refused because it was silly. We were not doing anything wrong and how else would people know which house to come to or that there was a sale going on? The woman insisted that we needed to take it down because it was against neighborhood regulation even though we were now holding the sign and had no intention of leaving it up permanently. We were pretty confident there could be no such regulation of physically holding the sign. So my sister in law being as wonderfully as stubborn as she is she told the woman to go get the code book and come and show us the rule and then we would take it down. We’ll needless to say she never came back and we had our yard sale, though someone did go out to the road and take our signs directing traffic into the neighborhood that were place on public property. One old woman got quite rude with my sister and was pretty nasty about it. I was surprised to find someone had gone out to the road and stolen our signs. Im pretty sure it was probably that same lady. 

I just could not believe that  few yard sale signs would cause so many people to get so annoyed and upset and to go to those lengths over it. They really had nothing better to do then to nit pick at a family who was going though a very difficult time to begin with. But of course they didnt know that. They were being ridiculous and self centered and worrying about some petty neighborhood rules more then they were worried about the fact that a man who lived next to them had just passed away. If they had taken the time to talk to us and were more concerned about others they would have known that. Some people in the neighborhood did become aware of the fact that we were being harrased and they were upset by it and they went and told others about the sale and came back to buy some things. They also informed us that, that sort of thing was a common occurnace in the neighborhood and that some of them wanted to move because of it.  I use this as an example to show where we have come as a society. We’d rather look for things to complain about rather then looking for what we can do for others. The reason I bring up this point is to mention an article I came across today which I will post that has to do with a similar situation. Some neighbors complained of an elderly woman who had some yard sales a few weekends in a row. They knew nothing of her situation  but they considered the yard sales to be a nusuence so they complained until an official showed up at her door step and threatened her that if she didn’t stop she would be fined. You see she was unaware of an apparent law that you could not have more then 3 yard sales in a year.  The whole reason this woman was having her yard sale was because she was suffering from cancer and could not run her other businesses anymore and her bone and joint problems were such that it was not good for her to do a lot of physical activity so having yard sales and selling family heirlooms from her home was her only source of income to pay the stacking medical bills.  


Government tyrants fine Oregon woman for holding yard sales to pay for cancer treatment

Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/033478_yard_sales_cancer.html#ixzz1Wka6qvES


I recommend going and reading the entire story at natural news.com


A few things on this. One is that we are in quite a state in this country…quite a police state that is when you cannot sell your own items at your own house and in your own yard without being fined. The government is out of control and I do not understand why people can sit by and be ok with giving up their choices and rights. For these reasons I am personally and adamnetly against neighborhood Home Owners Associations and ridiculous micro managing city codes. The truth is they are more about control then keeping the neighborhood comfortable and clean and happy. Why should I pay some Association a fee every month to live in my own house? Why should I have to pay some other people and ask someone else permission to plant a garden in my yard? It is a quiet usurping of rights all in the name of preserving neighborhood cosmetics. No I am not in favor of my neighbor living like a red neck and having a bunch of junk in their yard because it does bring down the value of a neighborhood when people do this and who wants to look at it? But more important then those things I think are our individual rights are the greater issue here. Id rather my redneck neighbor have the right to do what they wish in their own house that they pay for with hard earned money and that is truly more important to me. I think issues like this can be handled person to person and we dont need organizations to come in and tell us what to do and handle it for us. 

I am finding more and more issues like these. I read a news article not long ago about a woman who was taken to jaik for planting a garden in her front yard after the neighbors complained about it.

http://www.naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=1D577A9747A66FE9316E584F7E781867 see here

And this is what I want to focus on. It starts with you and I. It starts with communities. These regulations would not take place if individuals and communities as a whole would fight against this tyrannical control. We dont need someone to dictate to us how to live. We are capable of making our own decisions. And in order for these things to stop we need to remember the importance of community and of brotherly love. The greatest commandment of all. Next time you find something annoying at your neighbors house why dont you go and talk to them? What a revolutionary idea… I know. But I think we will all find that we are much happier and at peace as we seek to serve others and take the time to get to know each other. Lets not create a society of fear driven individuals who turn each other in over nothing. It will only escalate and we can either have unity and peace or it can be everyone for themselves. This is not the way for us to live. In the end the woman with the garden triumphed and the ridiculous charges were dropped because others band together with her. We need to stand together and fight for our rights and freedoms. That is our only hope of combating the tyrannical forces that threaten to ruin this country. Government is simply too big and too nosy. Our country is in need of a reality check.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Hello All,

I’ve been thinking about starting a new blog for quite some time. Recently i’ve reached the point that I can’t sit back and stay quiet any longer. I started using my Facebook account as a platform to raise questions to friends and family about the things that are going on around us in this world during these trying times.  We are being tested right and left to see if we will stand behind our Creator and whether we will stand for Free Agency and Freedom for all men and women, or if we will be caught in the web of the adversaries and give the freedom of choice away and auction of our God-given rights to the highest bidder.  I am a very imperfect woman who makes mistakes on a regular basis. I believe and uphold ideals and values that are undoubtedly greater than I am so in that extent I can be a hypocrite at times.  Because I am fallible. But, I believe that we all came here to have the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them. To have the freedom to grow and progress how we wish. I also believe there is a distinct difference in making mistakes because of ignorance or weakness verses making bad choices because one ignores their own conscience and goes against the laws of nature. We are to treat all those around us how we would want to be treated and stand up for the rights of ourselves and others. Trading these rights for money, gain, or power are all selfish endeavors rooted in pride. Pride causes the fall of anyone who succumbs to its incitements.  I am an LDS christian woman and it is my belief that Satan fell because of Pride. He believed that the best way to save man kind was by taking away choice and forcing others to do what is right. Force is contrary to the laws of God and the Universe. Force does not allow mistakes, growth, and triumph over evil. It is evil.  So with these things in mind this blog will be dedicated to the cause of freedom and truth. Because it is only the truth that can set us all free. It is only by living in the light that we can reach our potentials and love ourselves and others. Darkness and Tyranny never was happiness. Wickedness never was happiness. I invite others to comment and bring up ideas for topics. My goal is to spread the message of Truth and the Plan of Happiness to all and to learn and grow from each other through this process. May the sharing of truth commence. 🙂

Your fellow patriot,
